
Tracking Jaguars with the Onçafari Project: Conservation Travel in Brazil’s Pantanal 

It was in the early morning when we first spotted Aracy, positioned near a small waterhole in Brazil’s southern Pantanal region. We followed her through the grasslands, watching the jaguar meander among trees and along the occasional dirt pathway​​—at one point, even walking within several feet of our open-sided 4×4 vehicle—until she spotted a herd […]


My Brain Took an Extended Vacation: Ben Zank Playfully Twists the Banal

When words can’t quite sum up a feeling, Ben Zank (previously) leans into a bizarre visual language. The New York-based photographer creates strange situations in which subjects find themselves subsumed by topiaries and shrubs or buttoned up with structural supports. Captured in non-discernable locations, Zank’s images turn the banal into the surreal, while his witty […]